Hi Jason,
Maybe a little late but still. This Can be achieved through Query only and it is fairly simple.
1. Go to SQ03 --> Create a new user group
2. SQ02 --> Create a New Infoset and use the 'ERM' as the logical Database.
3. In the next screens select the tables and the fields you want to use.
4. Save and generate the infoset, then go back to SQ03 and add the infoset to the user group you created else you will not be able to save the query.
5. Go to SQ01 and create a query using this infoset. select the required input/output fields .
6 Enjoy.
However i was not able to get the EKPO(PO line item data) using this query only the header data (EKKO) and the KONV data(condition type and values).
If anyone can suggest a way to bring the line item data as well that will help me out.
Piyush Bansal